Monday, January 30, 2017

Why has an international treaty on carbon emissions been hard to reach?

21 youth have sued the U.S. government that the current
US approach to climate change is unconstitutional as it
is going to impact their futures,
and their right to life, liberty and the persuit of happiness.
This is a landmark case, and has reached the supreme court. 
In class, you heard background on historic and current greenhouse gas emissions.
That slide show is shared here.
Then you played the role of a group of nations with shared interests and decided which proposal your group supported the most.  The groups and the proposals can be found here, see pages 61-72 (Lesson 7) in this PDF.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Anaerobic vs. Aerobic Respiration

Aerobic Respiration: Requires Oxygen

Anaerobic Respiration: does not.

Anaerobic Respiration still breaks down glucose, and releases energy, but less energy compared to aerobic respiration.  Anaerobic Respiration occurs when there is no oxygen (deep water-logged soils; muscles working too fast for oxygen to be delivered to them)...

BBC Bites: Anaerobic vs. Aerobic Respiration

Advanced Photosynthesis

A few students have been asking for more detailed explanations of how plants convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen.  These links below are a
imed to answer those questions- BUT are not expected at a Freshman Biology level of knowledge.
M.J. Farabee, Estrella Mountain College

Michael Gregor,
SUNY lecture notes on photosynthesis

And another link to bioengineering: DIY 'solar panels' from plant mush