Tuesday, October 25, 2016


mt. st. helens.  Lupine is a nitrogen fixer.

Succession is a predictable changes in an ecosystem that happen when an area has no life (post lava flow, glacier retreats, for example) OR when there has been a severe disturbance (forest fire).  Each stage in a succession makes conditions better for the following stages.
Khan Academy Video: Ecological Succesion

Ecological Succession: Encyclopedia Brittanica

Oregon post-fire 2003 B&B fire

Mt. St. Helens with Earth Observatory photos

Monday, October 24, 2016

Logbook check 10/31

Some classes didn't have owl ecosystem questions.  
It's OK if your page#s don't match mine- 
as long as these assignments are in your logbook, completed, 
AND in as close to this order as possible. 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

How Wolves Changed Rivers

How Wolves Change Rivers

Criticism of Wolves Change Rivers Story

Predator/Prey Modeling Follow up questions (Deer Me Game)

Deer Me Follow up questions: 

(everyone should have their own Data, Graph AND answers to these questions, in your own words).

1. Graph your results.  Include axis labels and a key.
2. Summarize your deer/wolf predator/prey interactions in a sentence or two.
Example: The deer and wolves reached an equilibrium- as the number of deer went up, so did the wolves, but then when the wolves reached a big enough number, the deer started to go down.  Then the number of wolves went down, and once the wolf numbers were low enough, the deer population rebounded.
3. What factors could you change that would affect this model?  What effect do you predict they would have.  Give 3.
Example: if wolves had only had to catch one deer to survive, the deer population would have been kept at much lower numbers.
4. What equation do you think best fits the graph you have drawn.  Write it below.  (HINT: this is kind of a trick question- but- if there's even part of your graph that fits some math you've learned, please write about it).
5. If I were to use this simulation game again with next year's Biology Students, what would make it go better?